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Dear Gramps,

My boyfriend and I are discussing whether or not it is right to wait till both people have finished their college educations before getting married or to not wait and suffer sometimes extreme hardships… we’ve looked all over in my Mormon Church manuals but can’t find anything hard on this matter. Do you have any scriptures or words from the Prophets that could straighten this out?





Dear Sarah,

Here are a few thoughts from the leaders of the Mormon Church on this important subject. They are only typical of many others that could be cited.

God has a timetable-a sequence or season for good things. A mission, when its time has arrived, takes priority over marriage and education. And when one is mature enough and has found the right companion, marriage should not be delayed for education. While all three-mission, marriage, and education-are essential, there is a proper order to follow (Ezra Taft Benson, The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson , p 192).


Marriageable, mature men should not delay marriage because they have not found “Miss Perfect.” And marriageable women should not delay marriage because of career goals, educational desires or unwillingness to change their lives (Elder Marvin J. Ashton of the Council of the Twelve. LDS Church News, 1992).






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