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I have been sitting on the fence for so long. I self-destructed the plan God had for me with alcohol for a long time. I lost everything and when I got tired of suffering, my drinking came to an end. I want to join the military because I have nothing left at home for me and I want to move my legs. My question is timing. If I join the military, will I still be able to maintain a direct tie through repentance with Heavenly Father, even though I am away from the blessings of attending Church? I am not afraid to die and I have suffered enough to cope with loneliness, but if something happens I still want to go home to God. My only fear is that I will not have repented enough before departing mortality, or that repentance will not work while I’m on active duty and away from church. Any insight you can offer on the matter would serve as a blessing.

Thanks Gramps,





I am glad to hear you are trying to come back, and I know God is even more glad. Please understand that joining the military will in no way remove you from active status in the church. Sure there will be Sundays when you cannot attend meetings, but that’s not the same as not attending meetings because you don’t want to go. There are quite a few active members fulfilling active-duty roles in the military today and there’s no reason you cannot be one yourself.

Repentance is between you and God. No career can interfere with that process. Joining the military may make the process harder in overcoming dependance upon alcohol, and I would advise that you pray to God about this. Perhaps asking for a Priesthood blessing to overcome alcohol would also help. Consult with your bishop about this as well.

Once again, wherever you find yourself, connecting with God only takes a prayer. Either spoken verbally on your knees, or quietly held in your heart and mind, prayers are available to you at all times, and your sincere prayers will be heard each and every time.

I’m sure if you search (the offiical church website) you’ll find resources to help you stay connected.


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