Dear Gramps,
Will Hitler be given a chance to hear the gospel in the spirit world? Will he be given a chance to accept proxy baptism and all the other ordinances necessary for exaltation? What level of salvation could he possibly attain having done what he did in mortality, but not having the full light of the gospel?
All who have lived on this earth will either in this life or in the Spirit World be baptized for themselves or by proxy. This would include Hitler although he committed atrocious crimes toward the human family.
As we read our scriptures regarding the type of glory people will obtain it is most likely Hitler will be received within the Telestial Kingdom, however this is not a judgement I am worthy or authorized to give.
All of us, despite not having the full light of the gospel, have been given the “light of Christ” to teach us the difference between good and evil. Hitler will receive judgement according to the knowledge he had and according to the “light of Christ” he accepted and the good he denied.