Our temple is going to have a open house before the dedication. The local group directing this is planning a special guest tour just for LGBTQ leaders and LGBTQ opinion leaders. I am struggling with this. Why not have a special tour for addict’s, alcoholics, porn abusers, mentally ill people, gamblers, child abusers, people abusing the Word of Wisdom? Anyone who is struggling to live the commandments? Why do some in the church seem to cater to this group of people but not others?
Dear John,
Temple open houses have never had a worthiness requirement. The whole point of an open house for temples is to let everyone, including those that might be seen as hostile and antagonistic to our faith, to come and see for themselves. As part of this the Church has always sent out special invites to those that the world looks to as leaders. They have invited government leaders, civic leaders, religious leaders, scientific leaders and others, regardless of what sins they might embrace privately or publicly. The world has elevated LGBTQ leaders to that level, regardless of what the Church teaches on the subject.