Do I get a greater blessing for successfully enduring a trial? For example I don’t have a family. I was not blessed with children and my relatives are dead. I hear about how important family is. Will I get a greater blessing if I successfully endure this than if I hadn’t had this trial? Will it really be made up to me? I can reach out to people and be friends and do my best to serve others but there is no substitute for a family.
You are right; there is really no substitute for family. I’m sorry for the heartache this must cause you.
I don’t think it is helpful to try and place trials in some sort of hierarchy as to which ones are more difficult than others. Likewise, I’m not sure it’s in our best interest to try and measure blessings. However, I think you are really looking for hope and comfort, is that right?
If so, then yes, Shasta, I believe you will be blessed for enduring to the end. Endure means suffer patiently. That tells me that when “endure” is used in the scriptures, the Lord is reminding us that He knows this life is hard. Fortunately there are also many scriptures that assure us of His love and nearness during our trials. I encourage you to seek for them.
I believe in the end each of us will find our cup runneth over with blessings. I know that I, as an imperfect father, desire that my children are happy. I do my best to help them achieve that. Our Father in Heaven, who is perfect, and all powerful, has so much more ability to make sure that each of us receives a “fullness of joy” when the time is right.
Hold on Shasta, you are not alone in your pain, there will be an end to the suffering, and a beginning to joy such as you cannot yet imagine.