I waited my whole life to get married, and ended up marrying a divorced man. I’m his third sealing. Our marriage is cold and full of conflict because his family, his past, and his inability – or refusal – to deal with the problems. I have asked for a divorce many times, and he doesn’t accept it. Things have improved but are far from being a possible celestial marriage. My question is, will the Lord consider my feelings and my pain if I get to the eternity and don’t want to spend it with him?
Dear Angie,
We want to be clear that Heavenly Father is and always will be a just and loving God.
This topic (Sealings) is one of the most popular topics we receive here at Ask Gramps.
I invite you to please review these links, and also do a search for “sealings’ in our website (
- Where is the fairness in temple sealings?
- Is there truthfulness in temple sealings?
- If one doesn’t live worthily during life isn’t sealing to them by proxy all a waste of time?
- After a failed marriage and making a disaster of my life, what could I do to come back to the Lord?
- How do I convince my wife that all will be well even with a promise to an ex-spouse?
These are only a few I pulled off the website.
Hope this helps and know you are on a good track. I will pray for you and your ability to receive peace of mind that if you keep your covenants, you will be received in a state of never-ending happiness.