Hey Gramps,
I converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints a couple of years ago, however, due to familial pressure (my family is pioneer stock in the Community of Christ Church, formerly RLDS) I stopped attending church altogether. I was never endowed, but I want to come back now and stop being inactive and receive my endowments. I’ve technically been a member for over 2 years does the clock “start over” for waiting for one’s endowment? Help me, please.
Dear Cody,
How glad I am that you have decided to return to Church activity. Surely heaven rejoices. Please don’t let concerns about the timing of receiving your endowment delay you. The sooner you return to activity, the sooner you will be ready to receive your endowment. Regarding the timing, there are a few references we can turn to.
First, in section 27.1.1 in the General Handbook, we see that you are encouraged to participate in a temple preparation course. You should talk to your bishop about your desire to receive your endowment and the timing of this course. You will also need to meet with your bishop and then the stake president to receive your recommend.
Second, section 27.2.1 in the General Handbook specifies who may receive the endowment. This specifies that it must be at least one full year from the date of your confirmation. (Please check the rest of this section if you happen to have an unendowed spouse.) This one-year timing is confirmed again in section 26.5.2, which also points out that in the meantime, you may receive a recommend to do proxy baptisms and confirmations, which I would strongly encourage as it will help you prepare for your endowment. So, it appears that the clock does not reset, but please note a significant word that appears in these handbook sections: “worthy”. As the first link says:
Members should prepare themselves spiritually to receive temple ordinances and to make and honor temple covenants.
Spiritual preparation should not be taken lightly as the covenants one makes in the temple are sacred and serious obligations as well as blessings. Work closely with your bishop and other ward leaders so they can help you know what things to study and how to live your life such that when the time comes, you are fully prepared to receive your endowment. Accept Church callings and assignments as this will also help you prepare. Study the scriptures, pray, and repent daily, so that you can have the Spirit to guide you daily. Your bishop and stake president must both consider you worthy and ready to receive your endowment before they will issue a recommend. That will not happen overnight, nor should you want it to, lest you rush through before you are prepared and have regrets. But it also doesn’t have to take another year – you and your leaders will know when the time is right.
I am confident that as you work to prepare yourself, you will find great joy in returning to living the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Remember that it is His Church and the temple is His house. Lean on Him to help you prepare and remain faithful. Remember that Satan doesn’t want you to do this. He may put more obstacles in your way. Your ward members will become your allies in living the gospel and overcoming those obstacles. Prepare yourself to be strong and continue faithful for as long as it takes – enduring to the end is our goal, after all.
All my best to you, Cody!