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Dear Gramps,
My Ward was the Arlington Ward here in Riverside, CA. However the Ward was dissolved and now I am supposed to attend the Arlington Heights Ward. This Ward does not follow the pattern of the Church for Sunday School. I do not feel comfortable in the Gospel Doctrine class. What do I do? I don’t want to leave the Church.
Sara, from Riverside, California

Dear Sara,
Make yourself comfortable in the new Sunday School!! The pattern of the Church for Sunday School is determined by the Sunday School officers with the approval of the bishop. If anything is out of order, the High Counselor assigned to the Ward will reported the deviation to the Stake President, who will put things back in order. When you say that the Sunday School in the Arlington Heights Ward does not follow the pattern of the Church for Sunday School, what you are really saying is that it does not follow the pattern of the Arlington Ward! And are you saying that you are considering leaving the Church over something like this???? What kind of a testimony do you have, anyway? Did you not raise your right arm to the square to sustain the bishop of the Arlington Heights Ward at the last conference? The concept behind that official action is a covenant on your part to SUSTAIN the bishop. You don’t have to agree with his decisions, but you are obligated before the Lord by your affirmative vote to support, promote and loyally uphold every decision he makes until he is removed from office.

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