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Dear Gramps,
I joined the church at age 17, and soon after received my patriarchal blessing. In it was given to me some very beautiful blessings, contingent upon my worthiness. Unfortunately, due to my foolishness, I became entangled in sin for many years until I was scourged hard by the Lord a couple of years ago, and have now finally repented. I am now age 45, and have not realized any of the promises in my patriarchal blessing, i. e.  specific mission promises, education specifics, marriage specifics, etc. My question for you, is what am I to make of all of those unfulfilled promises now? Do I give up on them? Can they still be fulfilled in some way? Frankly, I’m unsure which promises might still be fulfilled at this late date, and which are sadly gone forever. The patriarch which gave me the blessing has since passed away, so I can’t ask him, and my bishop can’t answer my questions either. Do you have any suggestions? All of the promises in my blessing seem like they were geared for my youth, which I shamefully sinned away. My patriarchal blessing just doesn’t seem relevant anymore.

Dear Repentant,
The road of life is traveled only once, and there is no turning back. The road divides many times, and there are road signs that tell us what is ahead. So we always know what we are getting into, and our journey always takes us on the path of our own choosing. So the thing to do is to forget about the road already traveled. It is in the past and no longer exists. But concentrate on the road ahead. At this point use the maps provided by the scriptures and the general authorities of God’s Church. They will always lead you in the best possible direction.
It is also very important to recognize that repented sins no longer exist and are in no way a part of your present character. The Lord said—

Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more. By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins–behold, he will confess them and forsake them (D&C  58:42-43).

If the Lord remembers them no more, neither should you! Forget about an unsavory past and concentrate your thoughts and energies on a future guided by the Lord. In the end, if you remain faithful, you will inherit all the blessings that our Father in Heaven has in store for his obedient children.

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