Dec 17, 2024 | Premortal Life, Worthiness
Question Gramps, I understand that the Lord told Enoch He could look at all His creations and not find any so wicked. Are we sent here because we weren’t as righteous as those sent to other planets? Shasta Answer Shasta, Many members of The...
Dec 19, 2020 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Worthiness
Question Dear Gramps, I have been an active member of the Church since I was baptized. I have served a mission when I was young. My patriarchal blessing says I will be coming forth in the first resurrection if I stay faithful. However, it doesn’t say...
Nov 5, 2020 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Worthiness
Question Gramps, I have a stake president that said he would not sign my temple recommend unless I said I believed and would follow the “ For the Strength of Youth Pamphlet.” I told him that was not a question for the temple recommend, and I believe he needs to...
Jul 4, 2019 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Worthiness
Question Gramps, What is the wife’s role in determining the worthiness of her husband? I have been asked, on two separate occasions, about my husband’s worthiness to serve in a calling. I am uncomfortable with being asked to judge my...
May 7, 2019 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Obedience, Worthiness
Question Hey Gramps team! I love your work. You’re the best. I’m considering dabbling into investing. And I’m tempted to find a marijuana company to focus on. I think it’s only a matter of time before recreational marijuana will be tolerated in the nation and...
Aug 9, 2018 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Worthiness
Question Gramps, I am preparing to serve a mission and have concerns about the interview questions. As a child I was molested by someone really close in age. Because I didn’t know any better i did the same to others. However, this behavior was mentally damaging...
Apr 23, 2018 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Marriage, Worthiness
Question Gramps, When I was 16 years old I broke the law of chastity, and so I am no longer a virgin, I went through the whole repentance process and it has been a long time since I made that mistake. However, it is a really awful mistake and I often feel as...
Oct 25, 2017 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Worthiness
Question Gramps, Are the Sons of Perdition all male spirits or female as well? Henry Answer Dear Henry, We don’t know. The Lord has not given us a lot of information on this subject. I think it would certainly be possible for women to...
Sep 23, 2017 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Worthiness
Question Gramps, A friend of mine used to self harm and asked me if she was still worthy to enter the temple. I wasn’t able to answer her. I am hoping you may be able to. Does she need to go to her bishop and confess that she has self harmed in the best?...
Apr 20, 2017 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Worthiness
Question Gramps, I have two questions and I’m just curious, but if a person committed fornication or adultery and didn’t confess it to the Bishop or Stake President and just “supposedly” didn’t do it again and got sealed in the...