May 26, 2020 | AAAA AskGramps Website, pornography
Question Gramps, Are “romance novels” that many women read the female equivalent of pornography? Tommy Answer Tommy, I’ve never read one. And I’ve never known personally any virtuous woman who has read one. So how would I know? I...
May 2, 2020 | Current issues, Polygamy
Question Dear Gramps, Like many women, I have (really) struggled for decades with jealousy and plural marriage. I fear the Millennium because of the intimacy that will come with plural marriage. Any insight you can give to me, I will be grateful for. Ann...
Apr 18, 2020 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Current issues
Question Gramps, With COVID-19 and all that it has entailed, do you think people have really learned anything from it? It’s a first for all of us, unless we lived through the depression. Liam Answer Dear Liam, Thanks for your question. I...
Jan 5, 2020 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Abortion, Homosexuality
Question Gramps, If what the LDS Church teaches is true and the members really believe it, then why is there such a lukewarm response by the church and its members to both abortion and homosexuality? Abortion denies spirit brothers/sisters the opportunity of...
Jun 24, 2019 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Current issues
Question Gramps, Could you please explain in detail, along with your opinion of the three trumpet sounds before Christ’s coming? I realize it will not be all at once, but I’m also sure it will be a scary thing even for the saints who are living...
Jun 18, 2019 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Current issues
Question Gramps, Can you provide references and explain why Moroni is blowing a horn on top of many temples? Moroni was a warrior. He fought many battles. I don’t recall a scripture proclaiming him blowing a horn. On the other hand, Gabriel will blow a...
May 14, 2019 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Current issues
Question Gramps, When the earth receives its paradisiacal order or its terrestrial glory, will it be near Kolob during the Millennium? Kevin Answer kevin, Thank you for taking a moment to ask your question pertaining to the earth’s location...
Apr 28, 2019 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Homosexuality
Question Gramps, Is it wrong for a person to attend a wedding of a same-sex couple? What if my child marries someone of the same sex, would it be wrong for me to attend? Greg Answer Greg, In order to answer your question, I reach out to Richard...
Apr 6, 2019 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Current issues
Question Gramps, My wife and I were married in the temple about a year ago and a question came up this morning of all times. Are bikini’s still okay to be worn? I say no, but she is persisting that I am wrong. Please clarify. Richard Answer ...
Mar 24, 2019 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Abortion, Babies, Premortal Life
Question Gramps, What and where is the scriptural basis for your contention that a person’s spirit existed in Heaven before that person’s earthly body was born? Does that spirit inhabit a baby’s body before birth or, as you see it, or does it...