How do you respond to ‘Yes you are Christians but not legitimate ones?’
Question Hi Gramps, I know that the response to “Mormons aren’t Christians” is “we believe Jesus Christ, so yes we are.” But how would you respond to the more specific “Mormonism is a part of Christianity but not a valid,...
Our Motto: Mormon Means More Good
Dear Gramps, i want to know the meaning of the word mormon.the origin and if there is prove to that.i am a missionary serving in the ghana accra mission,i was ask n could not answer so please help me out.thank you. Clemet Dear Clemet, The word Mormon has come to mean...
What kind of activities do Mormons participate in?
Question Hi Gramps, I know Mormons are normal people, but I was wondering about any activities, things they like, participate in, or glorify that could pertain to the Mormon religion. Thank you. Alex Answer Dear Alex, I am happy that you consider...
Why do so many people think that the Mormon Church is so bad?
Dear Gramps, Why do some people think Mormons are so bad? or weird. I really don’t understand why people judge Mormons all the time? Lauren Dear Lauren, The Mormon Church, or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is the veritable kingdom of God on the...
The prophet, Mormon, was commanded not to preach to the Nephites because of their wickedness. Yet it seems that he did preach to them as recorded in Mormon 7:1. What’s you’re best guess for when and under what circumstances this sermon was given?
Question Dear Gramps, Mormon, when he was 15 years old, “knew of the goodness of Jesus” and wanted to preach to the people. However, his “mouth was shut” and he was “forbidden to preach”. (Mormon 1:15-17) Now, when Moroni is compiling the last bits of the record, he...
How do I keep from losing my temper and self-control?
Self-control is one of the purposes of our mortal life and can be mastered only by practice. A situation that requires you to exercise it is a blessing.