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In Leviticus 11 God speaks to Aaron and Moses about unclean and clean food that the Israelites may eat.  Was this a commandment? Is it still to this day after the death of Jesus?





Dear Blaine,

Leviticus contains the Law of Holiness. I’ve written before about what that is and why it was given, and I encourage you to read that post to have a better understanding of it. Included in the Law of Holiness is a list of dietary restrictions. These were indeed commanded of Moses and the children of Israel. Jesus would have lived this code when He was alive. Following His death and resurrection, His apostles received revelations showing that there was no longer a distinction between Jew and Gentile. All were eligible for the same covenants, rites, and spiritual gifts.

This naturally led to additional questions. If gentiles were now eligible to be God’s covenant people, what was the code of conduct within that covenant? Did it include circumcision? If Christ was the fulfillment of the Prophets, was He also the fulfillment of the Law? What portions of the Law were enduring principles and which were commandments specific to their culture but based on enduring principles? 

The early apostles met in council and the will of the Lord was revealed. The Lord’s duly-appointed administrators continued the Law of Holiness as a principle, but modified it. The dietary restrictions were to “abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled.”

Similarly, in these last days we have a Law of Holiness that includes dietary restrictions. This Word of Wisdom is different from the commandment given in Moses’ or Peter’s time because the Lord specifically tailored it for our day due to circumstances “in the last days“. Because of this, Latter-day Saints abstain from alcohol, coffee, tea, tobacco, and illicit drugs.





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