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Dear gramps,

For some reason I haven’t really been able to feel the spirit anymore. And I really haven’t for a couple of years. I feel so lost and confused and keep doubting my faith. What do I do?





Hi Ella,

The Spirit is the word of God within us, telling us how to come to God. That word is a seed; we plant it in our hearts, then we let it grow.

I am still learning to have a green thumb, but I have friends who grow beautiful flowers and other plants. They just seem to have a knack for growing things. Their secret appears to be this: They take care of their plants. They water the plants, tend to them, make sure they’re healthy.

If we tend our seedlings, they grow and blossom. This is equally true with our spiritual seeds.

I don’t know you personally, Ella, but I’m guessing you’re not so different from my own daughters and granddaughters. Let me ask you what I would ask them, and you answer silently in your heart.

  • Are you praying every day, twice or three times a day, to your heavenly Father?
  • When you pray to your Father, are you just reciting perfunctory words, or are you really talking with him, telling him about your life and thoughts, and asking for his help?
  • Are you reading your scriptures every day? Remember those scriptures are the very word of God, just what your spiritual seedling needs.
  • Are you attending to your Church duties, including going to meetings and looking to serve others?

Ella, when I get feeling distant from my Father and my spiritual life seems weak and dull, ten times out of ten I find that I’m neglecting some aspect of my personal devotions. My prayers are rushed. My scripture reading gets short, maybe even skipped some days. My mind and heart aren’t fully engaged when I’m trying to be of service. And again, ten times out of ten, when I rededicate myself to doing those simple acts that I’m neglecting, I feel the Spirit of God come back into my life, like a fresh, warm breath of spring air after an icy winter. I commend this course of action to you.

God bless you in your efforts to come to him.






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