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Hello Gramps,

We enjoy your website a great deal. I’m glad someone takes the time to provide understandable homegrown and factual answers to gosel questions. This is my wife’s question. – thanks to the Hubble telescope, etc). Or are they responsible for our own galaxy (i.e. the Milky Way or some finite piece of the bigger picture)and others might be responsible for other areas of the universe? If we subscribe to the principle of family relationships in heaven more or less as we have them here, then it would seem that God the Father must also have a Father and Mother. If so, would it not also be logical to think that they had (or are still having)their turn at creating worlds? Best regards and thank you.




In the testimony given by our apostles and prophet The Living Christ we read, “Under the direction of His Father, He was the creator of the earth. “All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made” (John 1:3).”

As I understand the doctrine all things we see and know of our Heavenly Father Universe-Collide_01created through his son Jesus Christ. This would include every galaxy Hubble telescope has discovered, and even galaxies the Hubble telescope has not discovered.

In relation to our doctrine it is logically correct to assume, believe, that our Father in heaven has a Father and Mother. That our Heavenly Father, as with our Savior, was once the Savior for his brother and sisters, and that by him and through him all things were created as well. However, we do not have any scripture which specifically details this. There isn’t much said, especially about Heavenly Mother. Thus, we are left to speculate on anything which is beyond scripture and doctrinal topics. We are left to wait or study for ourselves the possibilities our doctrine lends/guides.

I, for one, am waiting for more scripture and doctrine myself and look forward to the time that other things are revealed and speculation is no longer necessary. If you want an interesting read, look up Joseph Smith’s “King Follets Discourse.”


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