Dear Gramps,
One of Satan’s greatest attacks against the Saints these days is all but making it illegal to stand for gospel principals when challenged. I speak of homosexuality and gay marriage. It is often asked about, and if one were to state their beliefs in the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman, they are labeled as intolerant, hateful, un-Christian, and other negative things. When asked how we stand on the issue, how can we stand up for the sanctity of marriage without offending anyone or getting sued?
Alexis, from Salt Lake City, Utah
Dear Alexis,
We will never be able to stand up for our principles without offending someone. But it appears that the time is upon us when we won’t be able to stand up for our principles without offending EVERYONE. There are no doubt those among us who would not give offense to society, and consequently will choose to accept the societal norms. They will choose the world rather than the kingdom, and will lose their membership in the Church. We live in the most wicked world in the universe (Moses 7:36), and the time is short until the Savior will come to rescue the world from the gross wickedness in which it now wallows. Our times are on a par with the depravity of Sodom, as referenced in the 19th chapter of Genesis. Lot lived in Sodom, and when two messengers from God came to him the men of the city tried to take them by force for illicit sexual purposes. As the result of this culminating wicked act by the men of Sodom, God struck them with blindness and destroyed the city by fire. Lot and his household narrowly escaped the destruction. So we must be prepared to stand up for the principles of righteousness that we have espoused. We should not wish to give offense nor to be judgmental of the actions of others, but we should never, under any circumstance, violate our own covenants of full and complete obedience to the laws and principles of the gospel, even at the peril of our very lives.