Feb 27, 2024 | God, Obedience
Question Dear Gramps, If God is all-knowing and all-powerful, how do we have free will? That seems to contradict itself. If he is all powerful and all knowing, then why would he be making/allowing people to live their life in a way that would derail them from...
Jan 24, 2021 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Obedience
Question Dear Gramps, President Thomas S. Monson teaches that it is easier to obey commandments 100 percent of the time than 98 percent of the time. I seem only to be able to manage no better than 50/50. Are you Gramps able to obey commandments 100 percent of...
May 7, 2019 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Obedience, Worthiness
Question Hey Gramps team! I love your work. You’re the best. I’m considering dabbling into investing. And I’m tempted to find a marijuana company to focus on. I think it’s only a matter of time before recreational marijuana will be tolerated in the nation and...
Oct 20, 2018 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Obedience
Question Dear Gramps, I am a convert to the church of 5 years. My husband has been in the church almost 3 years. We have three sons under the age of ten and one due in November. I am far from perfect but try each day to do better and be a good example for my...
Sep 23, 2018 | AAAA AskGramps Website, God, Obedience
Question Gramps, If i prayed to become taller, and I was keeping my covenants and doing my part of being obedient to his commandments, If i tried hard enough by training and exercising would God make me taller if I did my part? Tony Answer Tony,...
Sep 21, 2018 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Life's Lessons, Obedience
Question Gramps, I have made covenants in the temple. But I am unworthy to attend, because I stopped tithing. I have failed in many ways. Such as not studying and understanding scripture and as a result not passing that on to my children. The reason I stopped...
Sep 8, 2018 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Obedience
Question Gramps, The parables of the laborers in the vineyard and the prodigal son seem to suggest that it really doesn’t matter how hard you work, how long you work, how diligent you are, how much you suffer or how much you sacrifice. In the end all that...
May 22, 2018 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Obedience, Scriptures
Question Dear Gramps, Why do Mormons eat pork when they believe in the Old Testament which forbids it? Jessica Answer Dear Jessica, The proscription against eating pork was part of the law of Moses, and it was in force for all the house of Israel...
Apr 27, 2018 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Life's Lessons, Obedience
Question Dear Gramps, How does one truly obtain a pure heart? I am unwillingly being made to go through a divorce right now, and the physical desires and the temptations that accompany them leave me confused and frustrated. To what degree does the Lord hold me...
Apr 4, 2018 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Family History, Obedience
Question Dear Gramps, I am a woman of middle age, have a very busy and demanding family and two jobs. I also teach in the Mormon Church. We have been commanded to do genealogy and temple work for our kindred dead. I love genealogy, I love the work but it seems...