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Dear Gramps,

How concerned should we be that Satan might overhear our vocal prayers, or even our everyday conversations, and use the information against us? Should we be discreet in what we vocalize out loud, or do we even need to be concerned about? Sometimes this fear keeps me from vocalizing my prayers as we have been taught. Your thoughts on this would be appreciated.




Dear Robert,

You should have no concern whatsoever about Satan hearing what you might say. With respect to your everyday conversations, do you think that you could whisper and he wouldn’t hear you? Anything that is voiced may be heard by men, angels and devils. Our defense against the adversary should not be to try to hide from him, but to overcome his temptings. Satan has no power except as we permit it. You always have the choice and the power to resist that which is evil and to choose that which is good. And you are fully responsible for every choice you make. The old saw, “Satan made me do it” is cop-out, inspired by the adversary himself to entice us to feel a lack of responsibility for that which we do.






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