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Can my husband receive revelation about my body?  I ask because I was in the hospital, 5 hours before my baby was to be born. They wanted to do a C-Section. I KNEW with all my heart and mind that it was unnecessary. I made the decision and left the hospital to have my baby at home with a midwife.  My husband is still upset, 6.5 months later. He had impressions to act differently and he says he has a right to receive revelation for his family. How do we reconcile?





Dear Anonymous,

It is part of the order of heaven and of the Church that we can receive revelation and are in fact commanded to seek after revelation pertaining fulfilling of our stewardship.  Thus the prophet can receive revelation for the Church, a Stake President for his stake, a Bishop for members of his ward that need help, a teacher for her students, parents for their children, and of course everyone is the steward of themselves.  Thus we see that there are a lot of people who could potentially get revelation that concerns us directly.

God has ordained that husbands take care of their wives and wives take care of their husbands. They even make covenants to this affect when they get married,  Thus both the husband and the wife can receive revelation concerning the other.  And they are commanded to work together as equal partners.  The problem is not in the receiving of revelation by one or the other or both.

The problem is when one partner think/feels or otherwise expects to be able to make a unilateral decision without needing to have the support of the other.  This unrighteous dominion can happen for various reasons.  It can be because one feels that they are the head or leader.  Or it could be because they feel they are the owner or expert for this issue.  Or it could be something else entirely.

When a married couple have a disagreement on what to do (which can happen a lot) they should work through it like two loving adults who are committed to each other, until they find a solution that works for both of them.  This can require much prayer and communication with the Lord and with their spouse.  It is what the Lord commands us and expects us to do.  Anything less puts us in the wrong no matter how right we might otherwise think we are.






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