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Hey Gramps,

In D&C 76:47 we read that the Lord has shown a vision of outer darkness “unto many”. Is there any record of those who may have seen this vision?





Dear Highway89,

This is  a good question, but, one that I am hesitant in answering.

Let me explain! When it comes to Outer Darkness and what it’s all about, we read in D&C 76:45-46 (the two verses prior to the one you quoted):

45 And the end thereof, neither the place thereof, nor their torment, no man knows;


46 Neither was it revealed, neither is, neither will be revealed unto man, except to them who are made partakers thereof;

I don’t know about you but no amount of curiosity will drive me to ask more about outer darkness mainly because I do not want to partake of such misery.  As far as those who have received a vision from such place, it was not given to them for too long.

I have come across a BYU paper that lists a few quotes from general authorities but reading over them, they mostly all say the same thing.  Have a read about this subject, but, please exercise caution.







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