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My husband recently passed away-a faithful member of the Church with whom I was sealed in the temple. I understand that if both of us are worthy of the celestial kingdom, we will be reunited as husband and wife with our celestialized bodies. As I understand it, we would then be capable of bearing, nurturing and raising more children. However, in one of your answers to questions, you stated that whether the marriage is consummated by resurrected beings or not is a silent matter in the scriptures. So, are you implying that there is an alternative method to conceiving spirit children in the celestial kingdom? And that there is no physical affection shown there?

Kris, from Oklahoma

Dear Kris,

Those who live worthily in this life, being sealed to one another by the authority of the Holy Priesthood, will continue as partners in the state of exaltation in the celestial kingdom. In that resurrected state they will continue in the family relationship and will continue to bear children. The children born to such celestial beings will be formed of spiritual material, and will have to be born again into mortality in order to acquire a physical body. They will bear the same relationship to their heavenly parents as we bear to our Heavenly Father.

When the Savior comes in the great resurrection at the beginning of this millennium, those who are wicked in their hearts will be swept off the earth and will be subject to the domination of Satan until the end of the thousand years, and will then come forth in the final resurrection as eternal telestial beings.

Those who are living on the earth when the Savior comes, and are not counted among the wicked, will continue to live in mortality. At an appointed time they will die, but will not rest in the grave, but will be changed in the twinkling of an eye from mortality to immortality. While they are living in mortality during the millennium the marriage partners will continue to bear children, who in turn will grow to maturity, propagate, and then be changed from mortality to immortality. Thus a mortal strain shall exist throughout the millennium.

What I believe that I referred to in the earlier communication was that the scriptures are silent on whether resurrected beings, during the millennium, would also be able to bear mortal children. Hopefully, this will clear up your question.


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