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My wife says the “NIV” translation of the OT and NT is not valid. Where is it stated that the LDS Church sanctations/authorizes the KJV? Please help me!





The LDS edition of the King James Version of the Bible is unique in that the footnotes link to other LDS scripture and the JST of the Bible is referenced to as well.

Mormon King James BibleNo other printed bible has these notes. As such it is the ‘official’ LDS version of the Bible. However, other translations of the bible, be it NIV, NLT, or NKJV (There are over 40 english language versions currently in print btw) typically posess the core elements of the Gospel as recorded through the various dispensations of history. So, in one respect your wife is right in that the LDS edition of the bible is the only one that the LDS church uses in English-speaking nations, other translations are, by necessity, used in other countries that have their own history of accepted biblical translations.

As for the NIV not being vaild, I wouldn’t go that far. After all, it very much contains the life and ministry of Christ, which is just as vaild in the KJV as any other bible that records it.


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