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Dear Gramps,

I was having a discussion with my room mate about a family that lives in her home ward and the fact that they had a son with Downs Syndrome. She was telling me that they were not going to have him baptized (he’s old enough now) because they didn’t really see the point. I realize that our brothers and sisters that are given mental disabilities are chosen children of God. Some are able to make the choice however, and this boy wanted to. Didn’t Jesus get baptized even though he was perfect? What are your feelings on this?? Thanks in advance!





Dear Marcie,

Baptism in the Mormon Church, following faith and repentance, is an ordinance to cleanse from sin those who are accountable for their actions. The minimum age for accountability before the Lord is given in the scriptures as eight years. Others, regardless of their age, who are not accountable for their actions are saved in the celestial kingdom of God by the great atoning sacrifice of the Savior in the same sense as those who die before the age of accountability. The decision in such matters does not rest with the individual nor with family or friends, but is in the province of the bishop of the person’s ward. Any individual may apply for baptism, but the decision to provide the ordinance in the case of members of families who themselves are members of the Mormon Church is made by the bishop of their ward after a searching interview with the individual. So, if I were you, I wouldn’t be at all concerned, but leave such decisions in the hands of the proper authorities.






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