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I’ve noticed a common theme of going on vacation and not partaking of the Sacrament even though it is feasible to do so. Is there ever a situation when we wouldn’t take the Sacrament when on vacation? Should we take a vacation from church as well? I only ask because I feel like we should bring church clothes and make the effort when my family goes on vacation but I always get push back from my wife and friends.

Thanks in advance,







You do raise a good question.  But I don’t think I can really give you a decent answer.  I believe this is a situation and family specific thing each household needs to work out.  I don’t know what you’re doing on vacation.  I don’t know how feasible it is to find a local church.  I don’t know what efforts you have made or not made.  I don’t know why you’re on vacation.  There are simply too many variables. But we are advised to make the effort to attend Church as often as possible whatever our circumstances may be.

In the October 2013 General Conference, in his talk “Continually Holding Fast“, Elder Kevin S. Hamilton specifically counseled people to go to sacrament meeting while on vacation, if at all possible:

“Our family has committed to attend all of our Sunday meetings. We have found that this strengthens our faith and deepens our understanding of the gospel. We have learned that we feel good about our decision to attend our Church meetings, especially as we return to our home and continue to observe the Sabbath. We even attend all of our Sunday meetings when we are on vacation or traveling. One of our daughters recently wrote to say that she had attended church in a city where she was traveling and then added, “Yes, Dad, I did attend all three of the Sunday meetings.” We know that she was blessed for this righteous decision.”

So, while every family must prayerfully make their own decisions on this matter, I promise you that the Lord will bless you for the extra efforts you make.






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