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I was watching a show on T.V. which was regarding the investigation of the present location of the Ark of the Covenant. I personally feel it is not on this earth anymore because it was originally a portable temple and now that we have our latter day temples with all the proper priesthood keys–it would serve no purpose anymore. I feel that the Lord took it back–Just curious to what is your opinion.





Dear Judy,

There is no scriptural evidence, nor any evidence in any apocryphal writings of which we know, to suggest that the ark of the covenant was taken up to heaven. It was placed in the Holy of Holies in Solomon’s temple, but it’s location was not recorded after the children of Israel were taken into captivity.

John Wells mentions the following:

“It was also understood among the Jews that Jeremiah had in his possession the Ark of the Covenant, that it was hidden in Mount Nebo, and would be placed back in the temple before the coming of the Messiah.” (John Wells, Conference Report, April 1927, p.167)

If it is to be placed back in the temple before the coming of the Messiah, one would suspect that its location would be determined and that it would be returned to its rightful place. Josephus cites a tradition that the ark of the covenant was hidden up in the mount Gerizzim. (Antiquities of the Jews, Book XVIII, chapter IV, by Flavius Josephus)






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