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Not sure if I can message before my question but I have to tell you I ran across this forum while searching for an answer to a sealing question and LOVE the way you use scripture and direct quotes from the priesthood to answer all these wonderful questions!

Q. I love the new YM & YW themes but am perplexed by why the YM theme would say “beloved son of God” when the YW theme states “beloved daughter of heavenly parents.” Are we not ALL beloved beings of heavenly parents?






Thank you for taking a moment to ask your question. Let’s review the first sentence from the Young Men theme and Young Women theme. The Young Men theme states, “I am a beloved son of God, and He has a work for me to do.”

The Young Women theme’s first sentence states, “I am a beloved daughter of Heavenly Parents, with a divine nature and eternal destiny.” Now, let’s answer your question. Yes “ALL” of us are sons and daughters of God — Heavenly Parents. Please understand, when contemplating eternal principles and doctrine, the concept of being “sons of God” infers that we are are beloved of Heavenly Parents. “God,” in its highest sense, refers to *both* Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.  It is possible that the reference to Heavenly Mother in the new YW theme was meant to assuage concerns of some women in the Church who a) don’t understand this, and b) due to personal beliefs or history, cannot or will not fully relate to a male divinity.

Here is a thought as to why the Young Men’s theme only specifies “sons of God” rather than “Heavenly Parents.” As holders of the Priesthood, men look to the Father in all things. It is ultimately his Priesthood that they work under and enjoy blessings from. We are to worship and pray to the Father, and him only. This is plenty clear. We pray to the Father in the name of the Son.

However, why did our prophets and apostles decide upon the language they did for each theme? That is a question we would have to wait for from the prophets and apostles themselves; however, your question appears to present a common misunderstanding that happens in our human minds: that if we don’t bother to say something explicitly at every possible opportunity, then that must mean that we secretly disbelieve or devalue the thing we did not happen to say aloud.

Let’s review the first sentence of each theme once again. The second part specifies that young men have a work to do. The second part for young women confirms that women have a divine nature and eternal destiny. Does this mean then that young men don’t have a divine nature and eternal destiny, and young women don’t have a work to do because it doesn’t mention these statements in their theme? No. Women still have a work to do, and one of the most important works to do. Men still have a divine nature and eternal destiny.

Men and women (young men and young women) are “ALL” beloved beings (sons and daughters) of Heavenly Parents. The difference in language doesn’t change this. The prophets and apostles must have their reasons, and we can be sure who we are hasn’t changed.






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