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Hi Gramps,

As much as I have studied I am not able to get a clear answer on my question, which is– During the millennium there will be no sickness, etc. Does that mean only for those born into the millennium or will those of us with physical problems still have to suffer. Also, about a man living to the age of a tree, does that include everyone or again, just those born during the millennium. Also, recently on BYU TV, I am sure I heard a speaker say there would be evil people on earth during the millennium. I am confused since only those left will be living at least a telestial law, or so I thought that was the way it was going to be. I also understand men will still have free agency and there will be other religions. Being that, how will things be any different than they are now? How will it work that men will still have free agency and there will be other religions?? Lots of questions– still having free agency, how will there not be evil on the earth but with Satan bound why would there be evil?





Dear D.

When Christ comes in power and great glory to usher in the millennial reign, the earth itself will be transformed from a telestial to a terrestrial sphere. At the coming of the Savior, all those people on the earth who live only a telestial law will be destroyed. They will not be resurrected until after 1000 years have passed. During that interval they will remanded to the company of Satan in some realm away from the earth. So Satan will not tempt those living on earth during the millennium.

Those who will be living at least a terrestrial law when the Savior comes will continue to live in mortality “until the age of a tree.” They will then be changed from mortality to immortality in the twinkling of an eye. While still living in mortality they will have the opportunity to continue to bear children. Thus a mortal strain will continue throughout the millennium.

There will certainly not be the tendency to evil such as is experienced with telestial type beings; yet no man is perfect, and there will be those that choose to follow their own counsel rather than accepting the Savior for who He is. We hear that the divinity of the Savior will again be questioned near the end of the millennium:

And again, verily, verily, I say unto you that when the thousand years are ended, and men again begin to deny their God, then will I spare the earth but for a little season. (D&C 29:22)

You ask, “How can there be evil if Satan is bound?” Man, as one who uses his own intellect to make value judgments, is responsible for the decisions that he makes. The concepts of pride and personal interest are ever with us, and to the extent that we succumb to selfish interests that conflict with the welfare of others we are guilty of sin. The option to do so will never be denied to man, who, as a son of God, has the privilege, the rights and the responsibilities of the power to create. In mortality we are influenced by the Spirit of Christ and by the Holy Ghost to do good and to follow the commandments, and we are influenced by the adversary to do evil and to violate the commandments of God. Those are external influences. As independent, responsible entities, we evaluate the influences in our environment, and make our own decisions, for which we are responsible. Without the influence of the adversary, we may yet choose to follow courses contrary to the influence to do good, and thus generate our own evil influence. Since both terrestrial and celestial type people will be living on the earth during those thousand years, the terrestrial types, for instance, will not accept the divinity of the Savior. They are described as

These are they who are not valiant in the testimony of Jesus; wherefore, they obtain not the crown over the kingdom of our God (D&C 76:79).

Brigham Young had this to say with respect to conditions during the beginning of the millennium-

“The Kingdom that Daniel saw will push forth its law, and that law will protect the Methodists, Quakers, Pagans, Jews, and every other creed there ever was or ever will be, in their religious rights. At the same time the Priesthood will bear rule, and hold the government of the Kingdom under control in all things, so that every knee will bow, and every tongue confess, to the glory of God the Father, that Jesus is the Christ. Every one must bow to the Savior, and acknowledge and confess him with their mouths. Can they still be Methodists? Yes. Presbyterians?” (Journal of Discourses, 2, 189)






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