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Dear Gramps,

Are Buddhist beliefs anti to Christian beliefs?






President Gordon B. Hinckley gave a talk which had the following statement:

“We invite all, the whole earth, to listen to this account and take measure of its truth. God bless us as those who believe in His divine manifestations and help us to extend knowledge of these great and marvelous occurrences to all who will listen. To these we say in a spirit of love, bring with you all that you have of good and truth which you have received from whatever source, and come and let us see if we may add to it.”

President Hinckley invited the world to bring the “truth” and “good” they have and to let us see if we can add unto it. We recognize that other religions have some truth and some good — Buddhism is no exception. Thus, I would specify that Buddhism is not “anti” to Christians beliefs; although, we do ( as Christians ) have polarized tenets and doctrines we follow.

However, as church members we also recognize in our scripture that there are save “two churches only.” In scripture we recognize that these two churches are either the “church of the Lamb of God,” or “the church of the devil.” Thus, I could see how one might interpret any other faith as “anti” to Christianity (an individual could even argue that there are some Christian faiths which are “anti” to Christianity also).

In light of these thoughts, we live again in a wonderful time where we are guided by the Lord’s prophets who teach and instruct. They have continually instructed us to remember that other faiths provide some “truth” and some “good” and we invite them to bring that good with them.





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