Hello. I’d like to know if there are wards and stakes in the spiritual world.
Kind regards,
J Klaus
Dear J,
Much of God’s work is organizing His children in such a way that they can carry out His will in order. One of the heavenly councils takes place among “the intelligences that were organized before the world was” (Abraham 3:22). God’s kingdom on the earth is one of order, complete with ordinances for admission performed by ordained officers. The temple is described as a “house of order” (D&C 88:119). President Packer emphasized the scriptural importance of this order.
“The word order appears frequently in the scriptures. Some examples are: ‘… established the order of the Church’ (Alma 8:1); ‘… all things should be restored to their proper order‘ (Alma 41:2); ‘… all things may be done in order‘ (D&C 20:68); ‘mine house is a house of order‘ (D&C 132:8). Mormon even defined depravity as being ‘without order‘ (Moroni 9:18)” (The Holy Temple, page 145).
With God revealing so much order to this world and filling His temples with order, we should expect the other side of this bridge to also be one of order. When President Joseph F. Smith viewed the spirit world, he saw just that. “[F]rom among the righteous, [Christ] organized his forces”. This sort of language hearkens to Abraham’s account of the creation council and creation itself (Abraham 3 and 4). It reminds us of the work of the priesthood here on earth (D&C 136:3-6, 109:15, 104:48, etc.). President Smith gives us a broad view of this organization, but notes the most important parts. They have “appointed messengers, clothed with power and authority, … commissioned … to go forth” preaching the gospel (D&C 138:30).
Joseph Smith added to our knowledge of this organization with the following:
“Every man that has been baptized and belongs to the kingdom has a right to be baptized for those who have gone before; and as soon as the law of the Gospel is obeyed here by their friends who act as proxy for them, the Lord has administrators there to set them free” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, page 367).
So they are organized with messengers and administrators. President Brigham Young mentioned these messengers and their leadership: “[T]he spirits of good men … who have [died], are rallying all their powers and going from place to place preaching the Gospel, and Joseph [Smith] is directing them” (Chapter 38: The Spirit World,Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young).
The principle of an organized and orderly spirit world is sound. There are messengers and administrators, and Joseph Smith is among the leadership there. Beyond this, whether there are stakes, wards, tribes, or some other gathering order, we simply do not know.