I get the feeling like I’m looked at in a totally different light since I separated from my abusive wife and divorced her over a year ago. I have lost all the callings I once held and haven’t been called to anything since. I can no longer be an ordinance worker in the temple. I am looked at by members with an “evil eye”. I get the feeling like people think that because I’m the man, I should have been able to have some backbone and stay in this awful relationship despite what happened to me. And a lot of people have told me they know of no stake president, no mission president, no temple president, and especially no general authority who has ever gone through a divorce. Have I become less important in the Lord’s kingdom as a result of my divorce???
First and foremost you have to find peace in your heart about your divorce. Once you have that, you can use it as a foundation to build the rest of your thoughts about what I’m going to say next, and it might be tough for you to hear. You can stop now, and in the next paragraph, I’ll begin.
Okay, ready? Let go of the ‘callings’ issue. When your heart and soul are in proper condition, the Lord will make use of you, your testimony, and your talents. You cannot be an ordinance worker? You can still retain a current recommend and perform proxy work.
What other people think about your private life is of no consequence. Pay them no heed.
Suppose for a moment that stake presidents, mission presidents, temple presidents, and General Authorities cannot have gone through a divorce. Are those the only areas you think you can serve the Lord? Are priesthood holders who never hold these callings somehow inferior in righteousness?
There is far too much a culture of status attached to the callings one receives in the church. A father who raises his family with no higher calling than that of Sunday School teacher has every chance of being just as righteous and spiritual as the prophet himself. There is no career ladder for callings in the church. The Lord will call his servants and place them where he needs them to be.
The Lord knows you, and he knows your life. He will use you where and when needed. Your only responsibility is to be worthy and willing to answer the call when it is given. Beyond that, the gossip gang bombarding you can go pound gravel.