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Are the Sons of Perdition all male spirits or female as well?





Dear Henry,

We don’t know.  The Lord has not given us a lot of information on this subject.  I think it would certainly be possible for women to reach that status.  I believe “sons of perdition” could be a figurative term that could include male or female spirits.  After all, are women able to:

1) Know the power of God and then deny it?

2) Deny the Holy Ghost having received it and crucify the Lord?

3) Are women able to receive their calling and election made sure?

4) Are women able to commit the one unpardonable sin?

Joseph Fielding Smith spoke on this issue.  He said,

“Hence I warn you, my brethren and sisters, especially my brethren, against trifling with your [priesthood]. … If you do, as God lives He will withdraw His Spirit from you, and the time will come when you will be found kicking against the light and knowledge which you have received, and you may become sons of perdition. Therefore, you had better beware lest the second death shall be passed upon you.” (Source)

So I would say yes.  That said, I do find it curious that the scriptures only mention “Sons” of Perdition, not “Sons and Daughters”.  There are scriptures that mention both sons and daughters–for example:

D&C 25:1  Hearken unto the voice of the Lord your God, while I speak unto you, Emma Smith, my daughter; for verily I say unto you, all those who receive my gospel are sons and daughters in my kingdom.

D&C 76…vision was given.1–4, The Lord is God; 5–10, The mysteries of the kingdom will be revealed to all the faithful; 11–17, All will come forth in the resurrection of the just or the unjust; 18–24, The inhabitants of many worlds are begotten sons and daughters

I’ll leave it to you to decide what to make of that.

The most important thing to know is that few of us are in a position to suffer that fate.  The Lord is wise and loving, and will be sure that those who become Sons of Perdition do so knowing full well the choice they are making, they will not be deceived or confused.



For a more in depth treatment of this subject, please see:   FairMormon:  Can Women be Sons of Perdition?





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