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I could not find the answer, so I hope I am not asking it again. In Sunday School a sister said her mom, who had passed away, knew and talked to her grandchild, this woman’s daughter, in the pre-existence. I thought that would be impossible for someone who had a mortal experience to go back to the pre-existence with a new spirit. No one corrected this. Is this possible? I could not find any scriptures or doctrine confirming this.






You are correct that there is no scripture or regular teaching in LDS history confirming that pre- and post-mortal spirits mix company. You will also find there is no scripture or regular teaching expressly stating a separation between the righteous in paradise and the righteous yet to be born. Church doctrine has not officially come down one way or the other on this issue. I have found that a time like this (where someone assumes a doctrine that works against one that I’ve assumed) brings opportunities to discover how much of what I believe is official doctrine (which I can then teach), how much is a personal witness (for which I am grateful, but cannot hold another to the same belief), and how much is old baggage that can be shed.





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