Feb 26, 2018 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Afterlife, Music
Question Dear Gramps, I play a musical instrument, and it brings me much joy. I am wondering if I will be able to play it after I die. If I don’t have a body until I am resurrected, how can I play my instrument? Are there symphonies in heaven? It couldn’t be...
Aug 2, 2016 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Music
Question Dear Gramps, Why does music bring the spirit when we sing a hymn? Is it because of the words, the intent by singing, or is it something else? Thank you and I hope to hear your thoughts. Kimo’s Answer Dear Kimo’s, Thank you...
Dec 13, 2014 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Music
Question Gramps, Why is the US National Anthem included in the LDS hymnbook? Does it mean that the national anthems of other countries are less worthy (for want of a better word) to be included? Jose Answer Dear Jose, I had to do a little research...
Jan 5, 2014 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Music
Question Gramps, I love following the beat or rhythm to a song (without improper words). What I don’t understand is why does the hymn song book not have the beats that we enjoy? It’s all too quiet except for the song “Called to...
Sep 15, 2012 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Music
Question Gramps, I am an LDS mom of four children. One of the things we enjoy together is listening to christian rock music. We’ve even gone to two big music concerts in the past year together. We find the music uplifting and encouraging. It reminds us of...
Aug 6, 2012 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Music
I’ve been listening alot to Native American inspired music lately. It has helped me to focus and study. Then I began to listen to some of my older music, but I began to wonder, what makes music good or bad? I read in a previous question you answered that we...
Dec 27, 2011 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Music, Sacrament
There is a song I would like to sing during Sacrament in December which is not in our hymnal. Little Drummer Boy. Certain brethren (not of the bishopric) have told me that it is not appropriate. I can understand Jingle Bells or Santa Claus Is Coming to Town, but I...
Sep 25, 2011 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Book of Mormon, Missionary Work, Music
I recently learned about the Book of Mormon Musical on Broadway. I was wondering what the church’s attitude on this was? I was listening to it and found the songs terribly irreverant while most Mormons love it to pieces. Thank you for shedding some light on the...