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I recently learned about the Book of Mormon Musical on Broadway. I was wondering what the church’s attitude on this was? I was listening to it and found the songs terribly irreverant while most Mormons love it to pieces. Thank you for shedding some light on the subject!



Dear Menley,

First of all I’m not sure where you are getting the idea that “most Mormons love it.”

The Church’s offical comment on The Book of Mormon Musical can be found here Newsroom Blog: Book of Mormon Musical: Church’s Official Statement Â*

However I don’t think that is quite what your are looking for.

book-of-mormon-the-musical-press-releaseThe church rarely states an opinion on specific movies, musicals, plays, books, musics, etc. Looking at the press release they have not really done so in the case of The Book of Mormon Musical either.

What the church does do is teach correct principles on how we should judge and choose on which activities we spend our time on. So while the church will not come out and say yes or no to this musical (thus also avoiding the attendant publicity that would generate) I think it is safe to say that this Musical does not meet the standards set.

Some people will disagree and say that it has a really good message and positive light and the end. Maybe it does. But from what I’ve heard about the language used in some of the songs, I have decided to not spend my money on it. I think there are better ways to get positive message out about the church, then to wade through filth to get there.


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