Dear Gramps,
At one point in my life, I felt so low. Enough for me to think that not even Jesus loved me. Looking back now, it seems really stupid. I obviously don’t believe that at all as of now. What I want to know is, was this denying Jesus and Holy Ghost? I read that denying the Holy Ghost is a sin that can’t be forgiven. Did I sin back then?
Dear Jason,
I’m sorry to hear about your past struggles and hope you have been able to overcome them with the help of our Savior. Just in case you struggle again, these talks by Elder Holland may help.
In addition, please check out these previous questions and answers regarding the unpardonable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost:
Is not following a prompting the same as denying the Holy Ghost?
What is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost?
I think it’s safe to say that you have not committed this sin. If you had, you would know it, and would not be concerned about obtaining forgiveness. The Lord understands all kinds of suffering and is merciful to those who love him. He loves you, and loved you then. Reach out to him and let him help you continue along the path back to our heavenly home.
Best wishes,