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Hi.  i am trying to find out information about a DNA link between the Native Americans and the Lamanites. Can you please help me?





Dear Kayla,

There is some great information available to help answer your question.  The first source I recommend is from  It is an article titled Book of Mormon and DNA Studies.  It says, in part:

“Although the primary purpose of the Book of Mormon is more spiritual than historical, some people have wondered whether the migrations it describes are compatible with scientific studies of ancient America. The discussion has centered on the field of population genetics and developments in DNA science. Some have contended that the migrations mentioned in the Book of Mormon did not occur because the majority of DNA identified to date in modern native peoples most closely resembles that of eastern Asian populations.”


Basic principles of population genetics suggest the need for a more careful approach to the data. The conclusions of genetics, like those of any science, are tentative, and much work remains to be done to fully understand the origins of the native populations of the Americas. Nothing is known about the DNA of Book of Mormon peoples, and even if their genetic profile were known, there are sound scientific reasons that it might remain undetected. For these same reasons, arguments that some defenders of the Book of Mormon make based on DNA studies are also speculative. In short, DNA studies cannot be used decisively to either affirm or reject the historical authenticity of the Book of Mormon.”

You can read the whole article here:  Book of Mormon and DNA Studies

Another source for questions of this nature is  FAIRMormon is by their own definition “A non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of LDS doctrine, belief and practice.”  Here is a video they did on this subject.  It’s very informative.  They have a search engine on their website where you may find many helpful answers to any other questions you might have.








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