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Hi Gramps,

You’ve helped me out before, and I am hoping you can again. I received the following comment in an e-mail, from someone who is going to save me from the cult of Mormonism. I was able to quickly and accurately reply to several falsehoods he presented. But I don’t have any idea how to respond to this.


In the Mormon’s book of Doctrines and Covenants. 84:2 – 5 there is a prophecy that was spoken by Joseph Smith. This prophecy is that a church would be built by the inhabitants of Jackson City, Missouri, and that this church would be built on a specific plot of land, and built by the generation of 1832 ( the generation that this prophecy was given).

However the church was never built, the Mormons did not, and will not own the land specified that it is to be built on. I have personally been to Jackson City, Missouri, and have spoken with the land owners, and have seen a copy of the deed to the property. In the deed there is a stipulation, that says the property can never be sold to the Mormons, or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The church wasn’t built, and the generation of 1832 HAS passed away, making the prophecy impossible to be fulfilled, thus making this a documented false prophecy by Joseph Smith. And from what I have seen of God’s prophets, they are always 100% accurate. Some may argue that Jonah wasn’t accurate with the prophecy he gave to Nineveh, because God spared them because they repented,. but Jonah was accurate in the prophecy. After all, Jonah’s message was one of repentance. So any argument that may be thrown at you concerning the accuracy of Gods prophets, can easily be thwarted.

(All Mormons have a copy of Doctrine and Covenants. This book is sacred to them.) I would love to obtain another copy of it for myself. If I remember right there are more false prophesies in there, I just can’t remember where, without researching it again.

Also some time ago on CNN the Mormon president Hinckley was being interview by Larry King and was asked if God the Father has a wife. To my dismay Mr. Hinkley said YES. And in 1997 when the president at that time named Wolper or something like that was asked if God the Father was a man his answer was I DON’T KNOW! How much more evidence do you need to be convinced the Mormons are a cult.

I will forward your reply on to this person. Thank you!





Dear Sherry,

Let’s start with that last paragraph. This person is so uncouth and so ignorant, that he has not the courtesy or respect to address President Hinkley by his title, or even a Mr.–a mark of gross disrespect. He is so grossly misinformed that he cites, without reference of course, some statement by the supposed Mormon President, Wolper???

The only aim of these shallow accusations by the Satan inspired Mormon detractors is to tear down the Lord’s Church. It is absolutely useless to try to fight such a battle on their turf. You can present them with 100 proofs and they will come up with 101 objections. My advise to you is to write your friend and suggest that if he really wants to know the truth, he should in humility and sincerity ask God to teach him. If he is full of self-knowledge, pride and prejudice, as he appears to be, his prayer will fall on deaf ears, but if he is sincere and earnest, his prayer will be answered. And that should be sufficient.

For your benefit, the word ‘generation’ does not mean 30 odd years, as your uninspired friend implies, but it has the scriptural connotation. You could say, for instance, “in the generation of the fullness of times.” The charge that the land that was dedicated for the temple site will never be transferred to the church is equally ridiculous. Does he think that the ordinances of Independence, Missouri (that he erroneously calls Jackson City, claiming to have been there,) are more powerful than the designs of God? The matters that he brings up are so scurrilous and juvenile that there is no point in addressing them. The answers are so very obvious, that if this person had any intention of learning the truth, he could not avoid being impacted by them.






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