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We learn by modern revelation and especially in the Temple, that in addition to repenting and receiving essential ordinances, we need to be cleansed “from the blood of this generation”(see D&C 88: 75, 85, 138, 122:33). My question is: How is it that we are taught that through repentance and the atonement we can be cleansed from all sin (i.e., 1 John 1:7)? And how is it that we are responsible in any way of the sins of this generation?






We are responsible for the sins of this generation because we live in this generation and contribute to the sins thereof. To be cleansed from the sins of this generation is to repent of all ungodliness, be baptized for the remission of sin and live a worthy and circumspect life. Indeed we are taught that thorough, full and complete repentance is essential for the atonement to have the effect of removing from us the stain of sin. So we must not contribute to the sins of this generation in order to be cleansed from all sin.






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