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Hey Gramps,

I am doing a research project on Religion and the Paranormal, and I am also a member of the Mormon Church. I am having the hardest time finding where I can find a magazine, book, or even an internet page that has the view of the Mormon Church on the paranormal (Ghosts…) Can you PLEASE help me out? My grade literally hinges on this.






Dear Jason,

I’m afraid that you will be unsuccessful in your search for articles in LDS literature related to ghosts. However, if you were to substitute the word, spirits, for ghosts, you would find an ample library. There are, for instance, both pre-mortal and post-mortal spirits. The post-mortal spirits that lived in mortality on this earth remain here after their mortal lives are finished. Here are a few quotes on the subject by some of the General Authorities and other writers of the Mormon Church.

“Some people do not believe that there are any devils. There are thousands of evil spirits that are just as ugly as evil can make them. The wicked die, and their spirits remain not far from where their tabernacles are. When I was in England, twenty-eight years ago next June, I saw more devils than there are persons here to-day; they came upon me with an intention to destroy me; they are the spirits of wicked men who, while in the flesh, were opposed to God and his purposes. I saw them with what we call the spiritual eyes, but what is in reality the natural eye” (Journal of Discourses, 11:, p.85).

“Paradise and hell-each a division in that world of spirits where the souls of men await their resurrection-are both upon this earth. (Brigham Young, Discourses, new ed., pp. 376-381.) Joseph Smith said: ‘The spirits of the just . . . are not far from us.’” (Teachings, p. 326.) (Bruce R. McConkie, Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 1:, p.521)

“At death the earthly Death becomes, as Jacob described it, a step in the “merciful plan of the great Creator” ( 2 Ne. 9:6 ). The mortal and immortal are separated, but only by a thin veil. ‘The spirits of the just are not far from us, and know and understand our thoughts, feelings, and motions,’ Joseph taught, and unfortunately ‘are often pained therewith’” (H. Dean Garrett, ed., Regional Studies in Latter-day Saint History: Illinois , p.220).





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