I hear of people that have natural ability to see the future. Some of these people also can remote view the future and are being trained by our military to do this, PSI Tech. being a company composed of these individuals. They claim to have used their abilities during several wars and are now selling there services to private individuals and companies. They have donated their abilities to help find missing people. I have read that this type of ability will be used in a future war mainly due to the fact that the anti-christ will control communication. Okay now my question: What is the churches stand and/or belief on this subject or the ability that these people seem to have.
Mel, from Minnesota
Dear Mel,
You state that you have read that “this type of ability will be used in a future war mainly due to the fact that the anti-christ will control communication” as if, just because you read it, it was a given fact. Forget that part!
As to the reality of extra sensory perception, there is much evidence to verify that it does exist. The parapsychology department at UCLA, for instance, has been experimenting with it for years and has produced some very definitive results. The art of psychometry has also been demonstrated to be real and verifiable. One very prominent psychometrist with whom I have been personally acquanted is Enrique Marquesini, who studied under Sigmund Freud, and lived in Cordoba, Argentina. In talking with Marquesini about his abilities he told me that everyone has these abilities to one degree or another. In some people they are developed to a high degree. He gave the example that everyone can sing, but there is only one Caruso.
The unfortunate part of all this is the many charlatans who fake such abilities and bilk the public. So, because of them the whole field of ESP should be approached very cautiously.
The brain has potentials that are far beyond those demonstrated by the average person. However, such abilities, where they are real, will never foster or promote concepts that are contrary to the truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the criteria be which all things are to be judged.