Oct 22, 2024 | Natural Phenomena
Question Gramps, I know this has probably been asked and answered before but I am in an online discussion with a skeptic who doesn’t believe in the global flood and he counters my assertions by wanting to know how all the animals fit on the ark and even...
Dec 6, 2023 | Natural Phenomena
Question Gramps, Some snarky online haters doubt that the flood story is true due to the fact that there wouldn’t be enough room on that boat for a pair of every animal species alive at that time. How do I rebut their assertions that the story is a fairy...
Sep 10, 2018 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Creation, Mormon Doctrine, Natural Phenomena
Question Hello Gramps! I am having an issue with my parents about the religious upbringing of my 7 year old son. My parents have stated that Mormons serve Satan? I know through research that this is false, and have decided to investigate many religions to...
Mar 6, 2018 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Creation, Natural Phenomena
Question Dear Gramps, How do you explain that the Mormon scripture, the Pearl of Great Price, agrees with the Old Testament that the earth is only a 6,000 years old, when science has clearly established that the age of the earth is really billions of years old...
May 6, 2014 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Natural Phenomena
Question Gramps, I am interested in finding out what power psychics use to give answers to people who go to them for help in solving problems. I don’t think it can be through the power of the Holy Ghost but wonder when the things that are said by the...
Nov 21, 2013 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Creation, Natural Phenomena
Question Gramps, We are taught that planets (at least earth) have a spirit for they are as living creatures. What happen to the spirits of those planets that are destroyed and used as material for the birth of other planets? Jared Answer Dear...
Oct 12, 2012 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Natural Phenomena
Question Gramps, If matter can neither be created or destroyed just refined, rearranged, or moved is a true statement and assuming that all newly exalted beings will be creating worlds without end for themselves, then where will we get the materials needed?Are...
Feb 17, 2012 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Natural Phenomena
Question Gramps, I was just wondering, what do you think of crop circles? Any answer would be welcomed. Thanks! Curiosity Answer Curiosity, I think they’re one of two things: 1. Beautiful designs laid out on a massive scale by intelligent,...
Sep 10, 2011 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Natural Phenomena, Second Coming
Dear Gramps, I was curious about a phenomenon called volcanic winter. My understanding of it is that when a big volcano like the one in Yellowstone National Park, erupts, it spews ash up into the atmosphere, spreading around the globe and killing plant life and...
Jan 23, 2011 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Afterlife, Natural Phenomena
Dear Gramps: I recently attended the funeral of relatives of mine…a couple who died under the tragic circumstances of murder and suicide. I went with only sympathy and compassion in my heart. Ill will towards the perpetrator of this tragedy had not crossed my...