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Dear Gramps.

I have read and studied the Old and New Testaments,  Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price since I was a kid. I am just wondering about further light and knowledge in other scriptures being revealed. Do you have ideas about when and how this might occur? Thanks.




This is an excellent question. As pertaining to “when” further light and knowledge will be given us is unknown. However, do we not receive from our prophet, apostles, and general authorities at least twice a year regarding further light and knowledge, or different ways we may be able to understand our doctrines? Honestly, we don’t know “when,” nor are we able to give an “exact” timeline pertaining to new revelation which would be considered doctrine. Although, we do know “how” this might occur.

New revelation, new doctrine will occur the same way it has since Adam, by revelation as given to the Lord’s servants “his prophets.” Once, our prophet receives new revelation on any subject, that revelation (doctrine) will be distributed to the whole church. Hope this clarifies and helps.


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