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There is one part of my patriarchal blessing that I have had a very hard time understanding. It says that I will have ministering angels watching over me and at times I’ll be able to feel of those angels. And as long as I’m worthy of this blessing in my life I will have the opportunity of living a life of longevity. I’ve always wondered about if that means a long life here on this earth or a long life as in an eternal life even after I have passed on. Any insight? Thanks!!






Patriarchal blessings are deeply personal revelations to the individuals that receive them. As such, the interpretation of them is also deeply personal. The section you are sharing could have any number of meanings. The best way to discover your answer is to make it a matter of personal prayer. There are a couple things that prevent me from offering an interpretation of this part of your blessing.

First of all, the meaning of this part of your blessing is not for me to know. I wish I could feel confident in giving you a more direct answer. However, there are several things even I am not supposed to know in this life. The interpretation of other people’s patriarchal blessings happens to be one of those things. Nobody has the authority to receive revelation regarding your patriarchal blessing besides you. As you search for the answers you are in need of, maintain your humility and purity before the Lord in your daily walk in this life. Be prepared for the chance that now isn’t the right time for the answer you are seeking. All things are done in the wisdom, and the time, of the Lord. When He knows the time is right, and sees that you are prepared, the answer will come.

The other thing that gets in the way is the very nature of a patriarchal blessing. Many times, we can think that a patriarchal blessing is a sort of fortune telling, or horoscope. We can let ourselves think that everything within a blessing simply must happen to us, for God has told us directly. However the reality is that a patriarchal blessing, as with any other blessing, is dependent upon us, upon our hearts, upon our intents, upon our actions, and upon our faith. No blessing comes to one who is not worthy of it. A patriarchal blessing is a moment where Heavenly Father has a chance to speak directly to you about some of the more important things that he wants to make a part of your life. He has the chance to give you some personal council, and in some cases, even some personally tailored warnings.

Because of this, the realization of the section you are wondering about very well could occur in your life. Then again, it could also not occur, for a few reasons, not all of which would be directly tied to you. Further on in your life, you may well read part of your blessing and wonder why something didn’t turn out as you thought. That moment is another opportunity for you to consider what the blessing meant to you at the time, versus the present moment. It is also another opportunity to consider what God meant by it as well. Sometimes we don’t always understand what God is really saying at the time, but only later does it come to our understanding.

Treasure your patriarchal blessing. It is revelation from Heavenly Father directly to you, and to no one else in this life. No one else in this life is entitled to know its contents. Of course you are encouraged to share it and discuss it with your spouse or other close family members as you deem appropriate. I would advise that you very carefully consider whom you include in that group. I promise you that the Lord will keep his word as has been given to you in your blessing. It is dependent upon your righteousness before the Lord. As you maintain your walk with Christ, you will see the promises in your patriarchal blessing become realized in your life, and even greater things beyond them. May God be with you always, Kara.





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