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I have a special needs daughter and would like to know if she should receive her endowments? She has the mental and emotional level between 4 and 8 years old. She was baptized at 8 years old. She is now 22 years old.






As a loving father I am sure this question is important to you and your family. The Church provides the following information regarding children or adults who have intellectual disabilities. Priesthood leaders and parents should consider their wishes/desires to receive any saving ordinance. Priesthood leaders and parents should also consider if the adult is worthy. Are they personally desiring the ordinance?  Do they truly understand the responsibility and accountability of the ordinance and covenant they will receive?

As priesthood leaders and parents ponder this possibility, they should also remember that children/adults who do not have the intellectual capacity to comprehend the responsibility and accountability of these covenants they are not required to receive any temple ordinances. They would be found within the predicated law as described in this scripture D&C 29:46-50; as such, they “are redeemed from the foundation of the world through mine Only Begotten.”

In light of the previous statements, speak with your priesthood leaders. Discuss with them your desires. Allow your bishop (under guidance with the stake president) to determine whether or not your daughter would need temple ordinances.






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