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My dear friend has been having a lot of trials lately. It seems everytime something is set to go well life pulls back and says “gotcha!” As a result her outlook on life is bleak and I can feel her losing faith. I remember reading a scripture about our trials always being consecrated for our own good but I can’t seem to find it. I feel like it might help her perspective. Do you know which scripture I mean or have an even better one for me to share?




The scripture you are speaking of is found at Doctrine and Covenants 122:7-9, which informs us that trials bring experience, and are for our own good. In addition we have other scriptures which a person who is struggling through trials may read: Romans 5:1-6, Jacob 2:8, Doctrine and Covenants 121:7.

If you are feeling your friend is “losing faith” please recognize she may be familiar with the verses you are about to share, and as such, they may not have the desired affect you hope. If your friend is “losing faith” then she is probably struggling with her feelings of “worth” before God. She may be wondering if God loves her, and if he loves her then he doesn’t “favor” her, why else would she be struggling or having these trials? Her heart may look upon others who are not struggling, who are not experiencing the same difficulties, and think they are favored and loved causing her to endure more discomfort and possibly confirming inner thoughts she may be having.

If you want to help your friend help her to understand God loves her, and that she is of worth to him. Pray and seek to know her heart and what will ultimately influence her to do good and continue faithful. Sometimes people do not need to hear a scripture, they only need to know they are loved by people who have a listening heart and mind.



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