What is God’s covenant path?
Dear Claudette,
In his April 2023 General Conference talk, “Accessing God’s Power through Covenants“, Elder Dale G. Renlund said, “The term covenant path refers to a series of covenants whereby we come to Christ and connect to Him.” Those covenants start with baptism – sometimes referred to in scripture as the strait gate (e.g., 2 Nephi 31:17-18). Having entered the gate, we find ourselves on the strait and narrow path – the covenant path. Subsequent covenants along this path are priesthood ordination for men, the temple endowment, and temple sealing (marriage).
Covenants are always made through ordinances (ceremonies) which must be performed by those with the proper priesthood authority. Those ordinances can help us to remember the covenants. As we make and keep these covenants, we come unto Christ (the keeper of the gate), take his name upon ourselves, and gain access to his enabling power. In short, we become his disciples. As we study his life, we see that his example shows us how to keep our covenants; we learn that he really is the way – the path – to eternal life.
While defining the path is relatively simple, walking the path can seem difficult. It involves putting off the natural man, and doing all things that the Lord commands. But by keeping our covenants, we receive the greatest of God’s gifts, both in this life and eternally. In his April 2021 General Conference talk, “Why the Covenant Path“, Elder D. Todd Christofferson described the path this way, “It is the one path that leads to the celestial kingdom of God.” Covenants are like guideposts on the way back to our Heavenly Father. Working toward, making, and keeping covenants is walking the path. As we reflect on our covenants, they teach us to find peace and joy in Christ, how we can be instruments in the hands of God to bless others, and that in times of trial we can turn to our Redeemer for comfort and help to overcome.
I encourage you to prayerfully study and ponder the scriptures, General Conference talks, and other Church resources about covenants. As you do, you will discover that there’s no shortage of help in understanding what our covenants mean and how to keep them.