Dear Gramps,
What is the difference between Christianity and Mormonism?
Peggy, from Beverly Hills, California
Dear Peggy,
You undoubtedly have been listening to those Protestant Ministers again who seem to be doing everything they can to blind people to the obvious truths about the Mormon Church. Such blasphemous statements are so obviously false that they cannot be made in ignorance. Therefore, they represent prevarications on the part of the ministers who are trying to propagate such falsehoods. And what does that say about any Christ-like character of such shepherds of the flock?
Now, just to set the record straight, we’ll cite a few OBVIOUS facts that demonstrate that Mormonisn is indeed a Christian Church–THE Christian Church. In fact, if you investigate the matter in any depth at all you will find that Mormonism is the most fundamental Christian Church on the globe.
1. The official name of the Mormon Church, and the name used by all the members of the Church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We are a Christian Church because the name, Jesus Christ, is the essence of the name of the Church.
2. The first of the 13 Articles of Faith of the Mormon Church is—
We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
The first doctrinal statement of the fundamental beliefs of the Mormon Church declares our belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Thus, we are a Christian Church.
3. Another fundamental belief of the Mormon Church is that Jesus Christ took upon Himself the sins of the world and suffered an infinite atonement to pay the full price to the principle of justice for all the sins committed by all mankind. That great atoning sacrifice stands at the center of existence, making all things possible. Without it no man could ever return to God and all would be lost forever in the the realms of Satan. Because of it, God the Father may extend His mercy in forgiveness of repented sin without violating the principle of justice. Thus, we are a Christian Church
4. The Mormon Church was brought into existence by the personal visit of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ to the boy, Joseph Smith. They stood together before the boy. He saw them with his own eyes–the only person in history to receive such a marvelous vision. They spoke to him and commissioned him to organize again upon the earth the Church of Jesus Christ that had been lost from the earth by apostasy not many years after it had been organized during the mortal ministry of the Savior. The Church that these ministers malign was organized under the specific direction of Jesus Christ Himself. And the churches that they promote are all part of the great apostasy. His communications to the Prophet Joseph Smith have been recorded and are available for all to examine. Thus, we are THE Christian Church
5. Joseph Smith was visited on many occasions by angels sent from God to instruct him in his sacred commission to restore again on the earth the true and living Church of Jesus Christ. Thus, we are a Christian Church
6. Joseph Smith was given by these angels an ancient record that he translated into English by the gift and power of God that is a powerful second witness to the Bible that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. That sacred scripture is known as the Book of Mormon, and it contains the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thus, we are a Christian Church
There are many more proofs that demonstrate without a shadow of a doubt that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Mormon Church, is by far and away the very most Christian Church that ever existed, and it represents the very power of God on the earth.