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Dear gramps,

I have been a member of the Mormon Church all my life, but most things still puzzle me. My friends at school ask good questions, such as, “Why can’t you watch this video, there is nothing wrong with it,” and “Please come to the dance, pretty please. It is a school dance, not church dance, so you can go!” Why does Heavenly Father make the youth wait until certain ages to do certain things? When we started the church in U.S.A ladies where married at 16 or younger! I know these are probably common questions but none of my Sunday School teachers can answer them. Please try to Gramps. Thanks.





Dear Tracy,

In earlier times, when girls were married at age 16 and younger, the boys of age 16 and younger were making a living working on the farms or in the factories, so the age of maturity and independence then was much earlier than it is now. I’m sure that you have confidence that the Prophet and other leaders of the church, including your stake president and bishop, are acting under the inspiration and direction of the Lord Jesus Christ in developing and promoting programs and activities that are designed for the best welfare, benefit and growth of the youth of the church in today’s world. As the world changes, continually becoming more wicked, so the programs of the church must change in order to adequately prepare the youth to maintain righteous behavior and develop spiritual strength and testimony.

In your case, you seem to know the right things to do, you just want to know the reason why, which is a natural curiosity. However, since we cannot immediately get all the answers to all the questions that we may have, I’m sure that it would be well to strictly follow the programs of the church and the advice and counsel of parents and teachers that are designed to protect us from evil and help us to know, understand and practice the gospel of Jesus Christ. By so doing, your testimony of the value of the right way will become continually more strong. Soon you won’t have ask such questions but you will be able to answer them for others still struggling to understand.






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