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Dear Gramps,

I was interested in the question about sealings, but did not feel you answered her question about whether or not she would be alone in the next life, or be sealed to someone. I have another situation in that I was divorced when I joined the church and have never remarried. I have raised my children and been to the temple with them and even with my grandchildren. But I cannot now have my children sealed to me without a husband, and have been told one would be found for me in the next life, if not in this. Is this just one of those “mysteries” or is there a real answer to this question? Will I ever be able to have my children sealed to me?





Dear Barbara,

I can only repeat what I said before. President Smith’s statement, “So with those who live in the stakes of Zion and in the shadows of our temples; if they are deprived of blessings in this life these blessings will be given to them during the millennium” means just what it says. So, if you have been deprived of the blessing of being sealed to an eternal companion in this life, and live worthy of it, you will have that opportunity during the millennium. As we said before, “During the millennium there will be a mortal strain living on the earth. The saving ordinances of the gospel are to be performed in mortality, by mortal beings. For all those who have passed beyond the veil of mortality, the temple work will be performed for them vicariously by those living in mortality during the millennium.”

This is no mystery. You will be able to have your children sealed to if you and they are worthy. You may find a worthy companion in this life. But if not here, then during the millennium you will have to opportunity to find and choose an eternal companion. Those living in mortality during the millennium will go into the temple and, acting proxy for you and your companion and your children, will have your family sealed together. “All the blessings belonging to exaltation will be given [to you], for this is the course of justice and mercy.”






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