Aug 6, 2020 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Last days
Question Gramps, What is the meaning of “the morning of the first resurrection?” Turi Answer Dear Turi, In Alma 11:42-43, Amulek taught that in the resurrection “the death of Christ shall loose the bands of this temporal death, that all...
May 17, 2020 | Last days, Mormon Doctrine
Question Gramps, What is the Mark of the beast? Is it literally a mark? It says we are not too take the the mark. It again says something about you can’t buy or sell without the mark. I’m confused what this means. I’ve heard that in the last...
Mar 12, 2020 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Last days
Question Gramps, Firstly, I would like to say I am so grateful for the effort & time you put in to helping everyone with their questions. It really is a blessing for us to go somewhere for help and receive the answers with scripture quotes attached. I have...
Apr 15, 2019 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Bible, Last days
Question Gramps, In the latter days…..”and the moon shall turn to blood”, is this ” the blood moon”? This is mentioned in Joel. Raymond Answer Dear Raymond, Before I continue with basically a summary, let me point you...
Sep 28, 2018 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Last days
Question Gramps, I am looking for the story regarding yellow dog which is related to conditions before the second coming. Victor Answer Victor, The story of the yellow dog is really nothing more than one of those Mormon myths. The best that I can...
Sep 28, 2017 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Last days
Question Dear Gramps, I have a good question about space. Will there be space travel during the millennium- specifically to Mars? Liam Answer Liam, Based on the focus of the information and principles revealed to the Church, you will have trouble...
Sep 25, 2017 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Last days
Question Dear Gramps, Referring to a post on 19 July 2013, I wonder if we already know that those rising in the morning of the first resurrection are celestial beings. Why would a final judgment make sense? Why do we need to be judged by Christ at the end of...
Jul 10, 2017 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Last days
Question Hi gramps, My question is about the spirits in the pre-mortal spirit world. Will God wait for all spirits in the pre-mortal world to be born before the second coming? Christopher Answer Dear Christopher, D&C 45 describes the events...